Then his lips go up along my shaft before closing on my penis.
Her cheeks widen when she divinely pumps my cock with a know-how amazing for her age.
At the same time, his hand goes back to the edge of my stockings, searching my inner thighs.
- I want you to take me, she said fascinated by my tail which now stands before her eyes.
Lying on her back, she lifts her legs, parting them shamelessly to offer herself to me.
The contrast between his youthful face and his depraved attitude puts me in all my states.
Unable to resist his call any longer, I penetrate her gently so that she gets used to the diameter of my penis because it is narrow.
I masturbate her at the same time on slow and fast rhythms.
A few minutes later, I feel his anus contract on my penis just before his sap bursts between my fingers.
Then I hear him say to me:
- Stay in my butt, I'll finish you off ...
She crosses her legs behind my back to immobilize me, jiggling with a rare perversity on my cock until I come in my turn.
Shortly after, I reluctantly come out of his back, exclaiming:
- You have a temperament of late Christelle!
- I wish to see you again to make you discover other games.
I hug her for a moment before letting her go.
Barely dressed, a beautiful redhead bursts into my room.
She wears a red and black corset and matching thigh-high boots that clearly display her domineering inclinations.
Claudia steadily approaches my bed.
I go into his game by dropping my skirt fearfully over my thighs.
- Do not be afraid, she said to me in a mocking voice when she saw my frightened expression.
Then she lifts my skirt, pulling me up without scruple.
She is surprised by the size of my clit when she takes it out of her lingerie box.
- Looks like I'm having an effect on you, she exclaims delighted.
Taking advantage of her hold on me, she pulls me into her bed by lying on my stomach.
Taking out his massive cock from his Brazilian panties, she slips between my thighs.