Dr. Catherine.
The next morning when Rob wake-up, Helena sat beside him on a chair, looking anxious.
"Good morning, sleepy head. I hope that you slept well. The pills Kim gave you, surely helped."
Rob got out of bed, but lucky for him, Helena grabbed him, otherwise he would have fallen. "Kim told me, that this could happen. You have to eat and drink something, and then you will feel better."
Rob clothed himself; his male clothes were neatly folded next to his bed. Together they walked downstairs, Rob still supported by Helena.
At arriving in the living room, Helena said "I'll get something for you, just sit and relax." Then Marion rushed in the room and also anxious asked "How do you feel Rob?"
Rob answered: "A bit dizzy, my head is spinning."
"A normal reaction to the pills from Kim," Marion affirmed. Helena disappeared to the kitchen and Marion said to him: "You really scared us last night; we never thought that could happen. Kim made a bit noise to get your attention, but she didn't mean to get you so upset. She went home last night."
Helena heard her words when she came in the room, carrying a blade with some sandwiches and coffee for all. Helena said: "Her only purpose shouting at you was to get you following us. It worked but all too well. Anyway, she was very upset, saying she didn't want this to happen. We all know that, including you, I think."
Marion continued "While you were sleeping, we had a long talk about what really happened. It seemed to us, you had all kinds of thoughts of what we might do to Kim, and you became very angered. I don't have other words to describe it. And when you saw that nothing was going on, that it only existed in your mind, you let go your anger and you fainted."
Helena listened to what Marion said and when Marion stopped talking, she continued: "Rob, we all three came to one conclusion. You have to talk this over with a neutral person. It seems Marion and I thought about the same person, although we both know her from a different angle." Helena looked at her watch "I arranged a meeting with her in one hour. So finish your breakfast, you must be feeling a bit better now, and we leave in an instant."