Free Stories

The Greatest Lie Part 1
The greatest lie that they tell you is that what happens in high school doesn't really matter: that life begins in college. I pretended to agree, though I never believed it. For as you will see, I am the world's greatest liar. "Take Sadie Hawkins Day, for example," I said to my buddy Qu... Read full Story
Darla's Diary: Slutfest 1993
Vacation Day One At last!! Another fantastic two weeks of freedom...the freedom to do as I pleased and dress as I pleased because it was my VACATION TIME!!! This year was better than other years because it was the first time my wife and I had two weeks vacation each. Just like she does every othe... Read full Story
The Surprise Call
"Thanks for the wonder full time we had together last night Army Bear, it was awesome! I hope, we keep in touch as we both agreed," I sent my toy boy an email the day after our Valentines date. I was still thinking about of our hot night/morning together, I couldn't keep him out of my mind... Read full Story