Free Stories

The war in my mind
"I found that I wake up at night to watch sissy hypnosis. I think I'm addicted and more than I look, the more I become a real cumslut. Everywhere I look, I see guys and I secretly beg to get ass pounded". Started to deal with my sissy around 16-17. At this time I didn't know a... Read full Story
Sissy story and 1st meet humiliation
I recently met up with someone to be a sissy slut for them and wanted to share what happened on my first meet. This is the genuine true story. I use the username indoblu on websites, but my sissy name is Holly so I'll refer to myself from now on as such. I'll mention my history as a sissy before tal... Read full Story
Cindy and Juanita Kinky Shemales
Her name was Cindy and she had been born a male. Cindy was a beautiful woman is every way except one. She didn't like the term tranny and preferred being referred to as a shemale. She was truly happy living as a woman. She began taking light doses of hormones at 19 she had stopped hormones beca... Read full Story
I have a passion for corsets and black fully fashioned seamed nylons, which I like to wear with tight revealing tops and miniskirts or very clingy dresses. I always wear multi strap 10 or 14 suspenders with a tight lacing corset that reduces my waist and gives a sexy outline to my shape. My favou... Read full Story
The picture.. (foot fetish)
So I've been into Erotic roleplaying for a while now, and recently about two months ago I had this really fun and kinky experience. A partner of mine which I usually roleplay with over a communication program were just talking about, and one thing lead to another and eventually we just started dirty... Read full Story
MY Party Favor Fantasy
My Party Favor Fantasy A fictional story built around an old fantasy of mine I ran a notice on one of those sex sites that said” Help me fulfill my fantasy and I bet we take care of some of yours also. Hi there, I am Penny and I am a total bottom trans w... Read full Story
Lady In The House Chapter. 01
A story by MicheleNylons ( Man in jail is transformed to prison slut.) How had it come to this? I was dressed as a woman and standing in the far corner of a darkened cell on E Block of Chelmsford Correction Facility for Men, and waiting for the most dangerous inmate in the jail. How had a mild... Read full Story
Love T-Gir's with man ass fetish
Hi all, my thing is a t-girl who loves to worship a man's ass. Apart from fucking, love to see girls smothering their face in a guy's ass, sniffing his ass, licking it like crazy or masturbating while starring at his ass. Jesse Flores is a total butt woman, she almost always eats/smothers her fa... Read full Story
Karen, My School Teacher Part 4
Meeting my other teacher By FoxyHosed Next morning as I woke up, I jumped in my clothes and got myself a coffee, and went to school. I got in 15 minutes early because I didn't want to run into Karen. As I entered the door to the school, I saw some of my classmates. I thought the coast was clea... Read full Story
TO BE OR NOT TO BE – PART 1 by Spanky de Bautumn This is a story about how taking a play to New York City changed people's lives. A transgender coming of age story. I was born Harold Stanley Dayes, not a great name for a kid growing up. I know my parents loved me, but Harold was my mom's dad a... Read full Story
Gemini Sluts and Gang
My good friend Renee and I had set up a double date gang bang for tonight now that she was finally out of the closet and ready. She has decided that life is too short to remain in the closet and miss out on all the fun. Renee and I have so much in common. Besides loving sex, we both have a fetish f... Read full Story
He Could Have R*ped Me!
This guy was so big, taller than me and I'm 6 feet, and bigger, not fat, just right for his big size, and I am so skinny, except for my tummy, that he could have pinned me down and forced himself onto and into me against my will, and no matter how much I'd struggle with him and fight back, he could ... Read full Story
Finding out my next-door neighbor was a crossdressing beauty que
Finding out my next-door neighbor was a crossdressing beauty queen. I mean fetish is trans women, but I don’t mind blowing a load to a beautiful cross-dresser. I used to live in a small apartment complex in Queens New York. My neighbor was a guy name Luiz from Brazil. A very friendly and fl... Read full Story
The Creators: Book One by
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pul... Read full Story
Once a Slut Always a Slut
I held my breath – and then I knew I had crossed a line – I had become by my submission, in that instant of time, another individual. I had known Paul Phillips since I had arrived at the local school in the village some 6 years before. We had moved on together to the grammar school in... Read full Story
Angel of Mercy
Angel stood at her kitchen counter flipping through a massive amount of what was quickly appearing to be no more than junk mail. She was just about the toss the whole lot into the trash can when one envelope caught her eye. The envelope was made of an off white paper that had an unusual texture to i... Read full Story
my journey down the rabbit hole
The bathhouse was busy tonite, there were at least 20 or more men there when I got in , I paid for my room and walked in past the heavy buzzer controlled black steel door, it slammed tight behind me. casting a cool draft of air that trailed down the small of my back and fluttered over my enama clean... Read full Story
Gayness courses through your body. Your sissy cock soft but tingling in your gloopy sheer g-string, Toes slipping in their stockings pinched just right in high heels. Running your tongue over lips painted and glossy. Here you are. This is what you gave up your life for. This is why you gradually cut... Read full Story
YOUR SISSY DESTINY Gayness courses through your body. Your sissy cock soft but tingling in your gloopy sheer g-string, Toes slipping in their stockings pinched just right in high heels. Running your tongue over lips painted and glossy. Here you are. This is what you gave up your life for. This is... Read full Story
Samantha sissy TGTF
Theme and genre of the story: The genre is about gender bender, futanari, gay, physical transformations of the body, magic and biology, the kink in particular that must excite in the story is the perversion of the transformation of the body and mind through a magical element that manipulates biol... Read full Story
Dating all whole my life
Julia and Ilya, together 10 years It was more than 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gate of my office after a working day. I did not go out godlessly for a long time (40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he does not regret it ... Read full Story
Father-in-law is my slave--001
Partly real partly fictional The sun shining down the room, I lazily opened the quilt, it has been cold for several days, I got up and looked at myself in the mirror, with a handsome face, but I was wearing a pink silk skirt pajamas and a pink silk low waist bag Pants, there are things in the pants... Read full Story
"Jonathon !" La voix de maman résonna dans les escaliers. Honnêtement, ne peut-elle pas me laisser tranquille ? Jon garde les yeux fixés sur l'ennemi qu'il est en train d'écraser sur la tête avec sa hache enchantée, et le monstre s'effondre d'un coup décapitant. ... Read full Story
Billie ferma la portière de la voiture avec un bruit sourd et laissa échapper un gros soupir. Elle était à peine rentrée depuis deux jours et déjà ses parents la rendaient folle. L'université avait été un enfer ces deux derniers mois, et elle avait vraiment espéré que cette semaine à la maison s... Read full Story
Gwen aimait Hera Auger. Elle était son idole. Les gars se moquaient de lui tout le temps parce qu'il était un si grand fan de cette musique "girly", mais elle était une telle source d'inspiration. Elle venait de rien, tout comme lui. Et elle a chanté ouvertement sur ses propres probl... Read full Story
C'était un étalon avec une mâchoire ciselée et des mains fortes; elle était une bombe avec des seins mignons et gais et des hanches incroyables. Ils se sont rapidement entendus lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois à l'université. Il ne fallut pas longtemps avant qu'ils... Read full Story
Susan sourit à sa fille. Elle s'était habituée à dîner seule depuis que sa fille était partie à l'université. "Je suis tellement contente que tu sois de retour à la maison. Tu as bien réussi à l'université, mais c'est là que tu appartiens, Amy," dit Susan en se levant de t... Read full Story
Une femme attrape la grippe Futa ⚧️⚧️
Jessica étudia attentivement la recherche, la bouche grande ouverte d'incrédulité. La science derrière cela était pour le moins sommaire. Elle avait étudié la biologie à l'université et savait donc qu'une partie de cela était un fait scientifique bien connu, mais vers la fin, cela a dérivé vers l'ab... Read full Story
"Des rochers. Je savais que ce serait des rochers, ils se faufilent toujours sur vous." Vance siffla en levant les yeux vers la masse de débris qui tombaient maintenant vers lui alors qu'il se tenait debout et regardait avec défi l'énorme quantité de terre qui s'effondrait comme un véritable héros !... Read full Story
Vance n'était pas ce que vous appelleriez un homme typique de l'empire. Non pas qu'il n'en ait pas l'air, des années de génie génétique, un bon élevage, un bon régime alimentaire et un programme d'exercices l'avaient placé dans la fourchette parfaite pour qu'un futa veuille s'accrocher et s'assommer... Read full Story
Tim est entré dans la pièce de devant de la maison de son ami et a appuyé plusieurs fois sur l'interrupteur. "Hey Harley, ta lumière est éteinte", a-t-il crié dans les escaliers. "Ouais, c'est capricieux, je pense que tout cet endroit a besoin d'être recâblé. Il y a une de ces lampes sur la table... Read full Story
"Qu'est ce que je fais ici?" Ce n'était pas la première fois que Max se posait cette question ce soir. Il détestait les rassemblements avec beaucoup de monde, il détestait les fêtes et il détestait particulièrement les soirées costumées. Et pourtant il était là. Pas seulement lors d'une soirée costu... Read full Story
La journée de travail avait été longue et difficile et la tension causée par la date limite du projet qui approchait à grands pas montait. David savait qu'il avait besoin de se détendre d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais Allie, son autre significatif, était également stressée par son travail et aucu... Read full Story
Certains pensent qu'une lune rouge n'est que le reflet du soleil provoquant la teinte rouge rouille et étrange. Alors que d'autres croient en une signification plus spirituelle derrière la couleur de la roche lunaire éclairant notre ciel nocturne. Ce soir, s'il y avait un moment p... Read full Story
"Hey perdant," dit Ken en me poussant dans mon propre casier. « Tu es une putain de poule mouillée. Tu le sais, n'est-ce pas ? » "Bien, Ken!" dit Weston. "Pourquoi est-ce que vous devez toujours vous en prendre à moi ?" Je demande. Ken va me frapper et je me recroqu... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Layton McGuire. Quand j'avais 22 ans, je vivais à New York et je partageais un très petit appartement à loyer contrôlé à Greenwich Village avec deux autres colocataires pendant que nous fréquentions le City College (qui est un vrai collège, pas seulement un nom générique, cherch... Read full Story
Amy se réveilla, surprise par le son strident de son alarme. Elle se réinstalla dans son oreiller et regarda de côté son horloge. En lisant l'affichage numérique, elle s'assit comme un boulon. « 8h30 ? Merde, je vais être si en retard ! Amy a sauté du lit et s'est habillée aussi vi... Read full Story
Je me suis réveillé en me sentant comme tous les matins pendant des mois, extatique. Il n'y a pas d'autre façon de décrire ce que je ressens quand je me réveille le matin. Je me suis levé de mon oreiller, j'ai déclenché l'alarme et j'étais hors du lit en quelques secondes. Je ne ... Read full Story
Scarlet soupira profondément en regardant les images de surveillance. Avec un doigt fatigué faisant défiler plusieurs pages de néant, juste des étudiants qui passaient leur journée, elle était sur le point d'arrêter et de se faire virer. Par nécessité, cela était devenu sa routine quotidienne, e... Read full Story
Vivre près de la périphérie de la ville peut être une chose fastidieuse, surtout lorsque vous avez été retenu au travail au centre-ville pendant plusieurs heures après votre horaire. Et surtout quand il fait nuit et que les bus ne vont plus jusqu'à votre quartier. Et surtout lorsque vous prenez ... Read full Story
My journey so far
Hi everyone and welcome to my page. I’ve accepted who I am as both a man and women already so far and I love to use both. Art is my passion, and pornography is art. I’m hoping to gain a following so I can fully pursue that passion. I found my camera’s battery today so I’m hoping to make at least... Read full Story
My first experience
I was in a pub with my friends when i noticed a really atractive female sat at the bar, my friends were all leaving and i told them i was going to stay for a while. So i walked up to this girl and asked if i could buy her a drink. She agreed so i bought her this drink and we started talking. later t... Read full Story
Kits Adventures in the North
**Crossdress Story** It had been about six months since I'd had any chance to dress, any chance to feel sexy and been even longer since I had any kind of sexual contact. Work tends to do that; gets in the way and screws about with "me" time. Luckily, though, it was only a temporary job... Read full Story
A Tranny Whores Tale
Ok, so I love tgirls. Absolutely adore them. I've had many experiences at this point, but want to share one. I looked around in the local paper and found this one TS escort. It was early morning (about 5am) and I went to see her. Even though I have had experiences, I get enthralled with nerves and e... Read full Story
The After Party
I awoke to an empty and very messy apartment. The last thing I could remember was the half dozen strippers and the ten guys who were here enjoying them. It was a bachelor party I would not soon forget even if my impending marriage didn't last. Well that wasn't entirely true because I had already for... Read full Story
A T-Girl Fairy Tale
Jared tossed the last bit of horse manure onto the highly stacked wheelbarrow. With a heavy sigh he gripped the handles and lifted. His muscular arms strained and bulged as he pushed the unwieldy load out the stable door to the large pile where he would deposit it until it was needed for the gardens... Read full Story
Boy Meets Girl
"What's her sister look like?" Dave Newell asked his brother. "You've seen Steph. They're sisters." Stephanie Johnson was a hottie, no doubt about that, Dave thought. Still, that didn't necessarily mean that her sister would be a looker. If Stephanie were from Venus, her si... Read full Story
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 10
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent... Read full Story
They Were Right
They were my friends, but I'd had sex with both of them. Not at the same time, but I had dated the one for a month and just started dating the other. So, although the thought had never crossed my mind before, I found myself dressed up as a girl for Halloween. After we had partied at a few clubs and ... Read full Story
Tilted Kilt Chapter 4
Like most mornings after a late shift at the Tilted Kilt, I awake around 11 am and lay in bed as the day comes into focus. The sheets felt cool on my nude body and I realized my roommate, Shari, had left the air conditioner on before she left for work. It's Summer in San Diego and the days of late h... Read full Story
Lindsay: One of us
The first cock I ever sucked belonged to a girl named Lindsay. It was my senior year of college and I’d been accepted to an internship at a large radio station in Boston. My enthusiasm for the internship diminished considerably when I realized all I would be doing was monitoring the station&rs... Read full Story
Black Cock & Birthday Presents Chapter 3
I raced upstairs but had to come back for my things. Darrell and Angela laughed about how he'd fucked me silly. "Take your time, girl," Darrell said. "I want you all dolled up in case I need some later." As I showered and touched up all the places not fully hair free from m... Read full Story
A Tranny Whores Tale Chapter 2
By the time I pulled up near the house it was 4am. I was drunk, completely revved up and ready for some action. I emptied my pockets of everything except Elle's 'offering'. I took my last swig of vodka from the bottle and took one last deep breath. "He we go, again." I thought. Here I am 4... Read full Story
Finishing School for Shemales Chapter 2
Davina hurried down the hallway, her books clasped in front of her heavy breasts to stop them jiggling as she ran. It had been almost two weeks since she had truly given herself to Mistress K in the beautiful, imposing headmistresses study, drinking the transgendered woman's seed from another T-g... Read full Story
CD and BBC Gangbang 1
My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliati... Read full Story
Forbidden Thoughts
My penis is pocket size when soft approximately 3”. On occasion it’s an inch shorter. I very much enjoy my cock when it is soft. Im 5-5.5 inches hard, which is considered average. In my mind Im small when hard but that’s how I want it. If I had the chance I would use a penis pump to lenghten my... Read full Story