Jeff and I had been back together for a little over 5 years when I had decided to give him his ultimate fantasy. To everyone who meets him, Jeff is the all American boy. He is the quintessential small town boy. He always has impeccable manners, says his "ma'am's" and "thank you's" in all the appropriate places. However, I knew there was something bubbling underneath that calm, cool, collected exterior. I also knew that when we were dating many years ago, I had unintentionally turned him on to the kinkier side of sex. I had a huge collection of porn I had gently taken from an ex when we split. It had every genre of porn you could think of. As a joke, I had shown it to him and told him to pick what interested him. Little did I know what I would start by that suggestion? Fast forward 15 years and we are to today. My sweet Jeff is a hard working man, always does the right thing, and looks out for everyone else, so I was going to do something for him that he didn't expect and NEVER would ask for himself.
The evening started out a little different than Jeff expected. I called him from work and asked him to meet me at a local favorite restaurant. We are the sick, lovey-dovey couple that is sitting beside each other at a restaurant, holding hands, and flirting with each other, rather than sitting across from each other reading the newspaper. I've done many naughty things to Jeff under the table at restaurants around town, but those are many other stories to come! Previously in the day, I had contacted the restaurant and asked if they would help me out with a surprise for my boyfriend, kind of like putting the engagement ring in a drink or roll. The manager said they could help me, so I went by the restaurant early and left my surprise for Jeff. When dinner was over and it was dessert time, the waiter brought an envelope instead of the menu. He handed it to Jeff and said, "Your dessert is in this envelop, compliments of the lovely young lady on your right."